Anyone can suffer from illness or an accident. Short-term sick leave may not have that much of an impact on finances, but if the sick leave lasts for a long time, the effects can be more substantial.

It is therefore good to have the security that Sickness endowment insurance can offer.
With a sickness endowment insurance policy, you can protect your finances in the event you should suffer long-term illness or serious injury.

Do I need sickness endowment insurance?

The national health insurance gives you 80 per cent of your salary up to SEK 441 000 when you fall ill. If you are ill for a sufficiently long time that you receive sickness or activity compensation, you will only receive approximately 65 per cent of your normal salary.

If you have occupational sickness insurance via the collective agreement at your workplace, you will not lose as much during your period of illness.
Here you can find out more about what is included in the insurance policy. Further information is available in the policy terms and conditions.

Compensation in the event of incapacity for work

Sickness endowment insurance can provide compensation in the form of Rehabilitation capital or Sickness capital if you become incapable of working due to illness or an accidental injury. The policy statement sets out the scope of the insurance cover as well as the size of the compensation. From the age of 45, the insured amount drops by 2,5 per cent each year.

Compensation in the event of incapacity for work is divided into two parts, depending on the length of time that passes.
  • Rehabilitation capital is paid out after one year’s incapacity for work. The compensation is paid as a lump sum corresponding to 15 per cent of the insured amount.
  • Sickness capital is paid out after three years’ incapacity for work. The compensation is paid with as much of the insured amount that corresponds to incapacity for work less the previously paid out Rehabilitation capital.
In order to receive compensation, you must have been fully fit for work when the policy started to apply to you, as well as for 90 consecutive days before you become incapable of working.

If you do not satisfy this requirement, you can still qualify by being fully fit for work for 90 consecutive days before a new period of illness.
If you become incapable of working within one year from the time when you took out the insurance as a result of illness, clinical change or other physical injury that had displayed symptoms before the policy started to apply to you, no compensation will be paid.

Limitations in the event of certain illnesses

The insurance does not apply in the event of incapacity for work resulting from the following diagnoses if the illness period starts before the insurance has been valid for at least one year.

Illnesses covered by the limitation:
  • Mental illnesses and syndromes
  • Diseases in the musculoskeletal system and tissues

General limitations

There are also certain limitations in the event of gross negligence, for compensation in the event of time spent abroad, war, nuclear reaction and certain acts of terrorism.
Below you can download complete terms and conditions and your latest insurance certificate. This will provide you with the details of what applies to your insurance.

Terms and conditions (in Swedish)